Center for Business Civic Engagement

Civic Engagement Principles


Government is a result of taxpayers voluntarily giving government money earned. Government has a responsibility, especially in this “tech age,” to be transparent so every citizen can see where every dollar is spent and what results have been achieved with the investment of he or her tax dollars. Transparent government results in both more effective and efficient government.


Government plays a significance force in the lives of everyday people. With this use of power, there comes an accountability requirement. Every elected official is accountable to constituents, not just on Election Day, but everyday of the year. Government must work, and it must work in an efficient way.


Government officials must be exceptional stewards of resources, as resources come from hard-working individuals, entrepreneurs, and corporations. Stewardship should not be diminished because of politics.

Metrics Measurement

Constituents expect to see a return on their investment, a quantitative or qualitative way to justify the commitment of resources, money, labor and time. Government programs should have metrics to measure their effectiveness and their efficiency.


How can business engagement or business models maintain a civility among its diverse and inclusive populations? Can competitive business models help government reduce its level of hyper-partisanship?

Effective Business Advocacy

What tools can make business advocacy more effective in assuring elected officials on the economic impact of laws and regulations? How can businesses ensure their perspective is heard and part of the discussion on the tax and regulatory culture? What are the unintended consequences for the Free Enterprise system when business views are neither communicated or heard?